Tips on Where and How to Recycle Your Used Motor Oil

Used engine oil, can be a nuisance to handle and problematic when you don’t know the proper way of disposal. Recycling the sticky oil is good for the our environment. In fact, it is illegal in most states to throw it under the drain or throw it in the trash.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why. Just in case you don’t know, here’s a reminder: pouring used oil down a drain or storm sewer will eventually cause it to seep into streams, lakes, or the wetlands. This causes a lot of innocent animal life to become coated with oil and eventually may cause their death. Oil sticks to everything from bird feathers to beach sand. The Environmental Protection Agency says that used oil from one oil change can contaminate one million gallons of fresh water. That’s a year’s supply for 50 people. Along with causing death and destruction or getting yourself a big fat fine, there are many horrible effects of not spending the time that is necessary to recycle your motor oil. This is why we have published ways you can recycle your engine oil safely and effectively.

Put your used oil in a clean plastic container and make sure it has a tight lid. Don’t mix the oil with any other gases, solvents, or antifreeze. Keep it as pure as engine oil can be. This insures that every drop of it will be suitable for recycling. Take your used oil to a nearby recycling center, a service station, an oil change business, or any other location that will accept oil. If you can’t find a place near you, try looking online by doing a simple online search for “recycle oil” and the name of your city or town. 99% of the time a local oil change business that recycles oil will pop up.

Not only can you recycle the oil, but you can also properly dispose of the used oil filter. After you take out the old oil filter, drain the oil out of it by punching an air hole in the top. Let the filter completely drain. It takes about 12-24 hours to do. Then you can safely dispose of it.

There are plenty of reasons why recycling motor oil is the right thing to do. The Environmental Protection Agency says that on average, about four million people reuse motor oil as a lubricant for equipment or at a recycling facility. Nowadays, we can take motor oil and re-refine it into new oil, using it as raw material for petroleum industries. One gallon of used motor oil provides the same 2.5 quarts of lubricating oil as 42 gallons of crude oil.

If you are still unsure of the proper way to recycle motor oil, then leave it to the experts. There are plenty of oil change businesses across the nation, and finding one in your neighborhood will not be a challenge. If you choose to change your oil yourself, then become the four million and one used motor oil recycler! With everyone’s help, we could start to eliminate much of our oil need. All we need is to take these necessary steps!

Goyum are involved in setting up TurnKey projects overseas, from designing to manufacturing, supplying to Installation, commissioning to trial run and after sale support of quality and efficient used engine oil re-refining plants and projects. We want to create a pollution-less environment by following our mission of preserving nature with innovative ideas for recycling waste / used engine lube oil through waste oil recycling plants.

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